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Role of Web Research in Market Analysis and Competitive Intelligence

Importance of Web Research in Market Analysis and Competitive Intelligence

by admin

As with all trite sayings, “Data is the new oil” contains grains of truth. Data is the oil that fuels all modern businesses; those who know how to mine it and possess it in abundance have an edge, especially in the current hyper-competitive landscape. Web research is a mining technique that can help us unearth invaluable data. By scouring the web, the bedrock of data, we can find critical information about the market, customers, and competitors; gain a deeper understanding of the competitive landscape; and make informed decisions about products, services, and marketing strategies. These are a few merits of web research. A deeper dive into the role of web research in market analysis and competitive intelligence will be covered in the following sections to follow. But first:

Importance of market analysis and competitive intelligence

Two players determine the prospects of any business. These two entities need to be closely watched—one so that your business can grow and expand, and the other so that your business doesn’t shrink and sink. They are customers and competitors.

Market analysis and competitive intelligence handle them, respectively. Market analysis helps us identify opportunities for growth by giving us insights into new market segments or niches, understand market trends and customer needs; reduce risks associated with launching new products or entering new markets; position our business competitively; understand consumer preferences and pain points; and help set competitive and optimal pricing.

Competitive intelligence, on the other hand, gives us insights into competitors’ positioning and allows us to gain a strategic advantage by anticipating competitors’ moves and adapting accordingly. Knowledge of competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, market share, innovation, and so on can help us develop strategic plans, respond proactively, and stay ahead in the market.

Both practices empower businesses to make data-driven decisions, mitigate risks, and gain a competitive edge in their respective industries. With increasing digitalization, the internet has become a natural habitat of information, both for consumers and competitors. This is when web research enters the scene.

Leveraging web research for market analysis and competitor intelligence

With the internet serving as an expansive treasure trove of information, we can harness its power to gain valuable insights into the target markets, customer behavior and preferences, industry trends, and most importantly, competitors’ strategies. A research found that using the web as a data source for market analysis and competitive intelligence has a positive impact on the quality of the information.

Let us analyze in greater detail how web research can help us with market analysis and competitive intelligence.

Utilizing web research for market analysis

The web provides us ample data with which we can gauge the market and customer sentiments, needs and preferences, and so on.

  • Identifying and understanding target markets

Much as we want to sell a product to everyone, that cannot be. Thus, we need to understand the target market—if not define it.


The market may be segmented depending on various factors like demographics, geo graphics, psychographics, and behaviors. The web can provide us with data on these without the need to conduct extensive primary research.


Social media platforms, online forums and communities, and reviews on marketplaces are useful sources from which we can glean invaluable information to understand the target audience. Other resources such as the US Census Bureau can provide us with handy data. Consulting firms such as McKinsey, Deloitte, Accenture, and EY regularly publish industry briefs and customer research reports.

  • Analyzing consumer behavior and preferences

Segmenting and defining a target audience is just the beginning of the market analysis. Understanding consumer behavior, preferences, and sentiments is crucial in order to gain insights into what motives and priorities influence their buying process.

Customer behavior is influenced by multiple factors, such as personality, peers and public figures, and social and economic trends. Having information on these will help us predict consumer behavior and anticipate our next move.

As with identifying target markets, social media, and online forums can help us understand consumer behavior and sentiments, their pain points, and motivations. Resources like Answer The Public can give us some insights into consumer sentiments. Think tanks and universities also periodically conduct surveys and make the data available online. The University of Michigan Survey of Consumers and the US Consumer Confidence Survey by The Confidence Board are two such examples.

  • Tracking market trends and dynamics

Tracking market trends and dynamics on the internet is essential for staying competitive and making informed business decisions. The web offers numerous tools and platforms that can help you monitor and analyze market trends effectively.


While it’s difficult to precisely gauge and predict market dynamics, volumes of resources available on the web can help us get a clearer view of the movement. Numerous market research reports and tools like Google Trends and Think with Google can help us understand the state of the market and discern the trends.

Utilizing web research for competitive intelligence

Customers are the backbone of businesses. But customers are finite and businesses have to vie for the same customers. This is why competitive intelligence is critical to any business looking to gain a competitive edge. The web is central to acquiring knowledge about competitors.

Online web research can help us find the “four Ps” about competitors: product, price, place, and promotion. Here are a few ways web research can help in competitive intelligence.

  • Identifying competitors’ market presence

The web allows us to get comprehensive insights into competitors’ activities, products, and overall presence within a specific industry or market. This information is essential for us to understand the competitive landscape, position ourselves effectively, and make informed decisions to gain a competitive edge.

Competitive intelligence | Source: BBC

Various web research tools exist that enable us to identify competitors and get insights into them with ease.

  • Tracking competitor strategies and product offerings

With the vast amount of information available online, we can gain valuable insights into competitors’ moves, product offerings, pricing strategies, and promotional activities.


The most obvious place to look for information is the competitors’ websites. By analyzing their websites, we can get detailed information about their products, services, features, pricing, and promotional activities. Online marketplaces also offer us useful information on competitors’ offerings and pricing strategies.

  • Analyzing competitors’ strengths and weaknesses

Product offerings, customer reviews and ratings, product or service limitations, customer engagement, and social media presence, are all information that can cast light on the strengths and weaknesses of a competitor—and which can easily be found online. This information provides us with an arsenal of tools with which we can combat competitors.

Analyzing competitors’ strengths and weaknesses is a critical component of competitive intelligence. We can leverage the web to get insights about competitors’ strategic advantages and vulnerabilities.

This will enable us to refine our own strategies, capitalize on market gaps, and anticipate competitors’ moves, allowing us to position our business strategically.

Best practices for web research

The web contains information of all kinds, but most of it is pointless, if not outright useless. So, knowing how to rummage the web for useful and relevant information quickly is an essential skill.

Here are a few tips to help you research the web effectively:

  • Define clear objectives: Clearly outline your research objectives and the specific information you’re seeking. Having a focused goal will help you streamline your research efforts and avoid information overload.
  • Choose reliable sources: Rely on reputable and credible sources for your web research. Government websites, industry associations, academic institutions, and established news outlets are generally reliable sources of information. If the data seem dubious, always verify them so that you don’t take the wrong steps from faulty insights.
  • Diversify data sources: Use a variety of sources to gather a well-rounded perspective. Combining information from different types of websites, platforms, and publications can provide a more accurate and holistic view of the market.
  • Use advanced search techniques: Learn how to use search engines effectively by using advanced search operators and filters. This can help you find specific information quickly and efficiently.

For example, to search for exact matches, use double quotes in your query; if you want to exclude certain words or phrases, use the minus sign (“best smartphones -iphone”); or search by file type (“inflation 2023 filetype:pdf”); or search within a specific website using the “site” query parameter (“US population growth site:ourwordindata.org”; or filter the search results by time period (in Google this can be done by clicking “Tools” to the right of the search options and specifying a time range). These are but a few. You can use similar techniques to quickly look for relevant information.

  • Utilize automation tools:  Use sites like uptime.com and Alertra to monitor website changes and trends. They allow you to set up multiple domains, including your own, at a time track them, and alert you instantly.

Conclusion: Transforming data into insights

The web offers us a nearly limitless amount of data that we can scour for information. However data are but raw materials, and unless we extract, process, and refine them, they cannot give us much insight. To add to that, it requires certain specialized skills—like data interpretation and domain understanding—and is hugely time-consuming. Outsourcing it to online web research service providers can help make this arduous task more manageable and fruitful.

By distilling and analyzing the data from various sources on the web, we can glean valuable insights that will enable us to make informed decisions and drive meaningful actions. And these will eventually lead to more effective and successful outcomes.

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